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That All Will Know the Love of God

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Profile photo of Todd Pierce with cowboy hat
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Learn more about Riding High Ministries

We exist to show people the relentless love of God the Father and the Kingdom of His Son Jesus Christ. Founded by Todd and Leslie Pierce in 2002, RHM communicates the love of Christ through the powerful, hands-on horse training experience. This living parable illustrates how God pursues us, heals us, and ultimately becomes one with us as our Father.


A Father to the Fatherless

As each of us learns to connect to God as Father, we in one generation, will see our entire culture healed.  In a nation where we’ve the highest ever level of fatherlessness, we see men living as orphans. Jesus made it possible for us to be connected to and fathered by God himself.

Read more about The Goodness of God

A Hope for the Hopeless

Because of what Jesus did and is doing, we have a hope and a future.  Hope is more than optimism, it is a joyful anticipation of the goodness of God being released in the heart of man. He is a father who finishes everything he starts.

Understand more about Your Identity in Christ
cORE vALUE Three


Forgiveness is something that only Jesus could define.  He gave each of us the ability to become completely innocent,   experience not having our sin held against us and completely being restored to perfect union with him.  Then He gave us the power to do the same.

Read more about The Goodness of God

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I loved the presentation last night. Todd’s style and easy going demeanor made him so easy to listen to. Since I went up early to help out I was able to watch him prepare. He prayed over that space so many times, he was truly in a constant state of prayer. Being able to witness his humility and complete submission to God was special. There were lots of good takeaway statements and the visual example of the horse really made his words stick in a different way.


That moment when the horse placed the rope in his hand... I was speechless.


[My son and I] are both strong minded and opinionated (much like a horse). After watching and hearing Todd share his message I realized how often my approach to being tough with my son isn’t working. I also realized that at 17 my son has a stronger faith then I often have myself. This is a long way around to say how personal and impactful this message was. I have already started to change our interactions and my focus from the heart. I am also reminded of your sculpture of Jesus washing his disciples feet. We are here to serve not impose our will or opinions.


I watched via livestream and was grateful for that opportunity. I enjoyed Todd’s presentation and how much you could tell he loved the Lord and wanted everyone to experience that in a real and tangible way. I also appreciated having him here for the L&L where we could get to know him a little better.


When we got back to the car after the event, my dad was teary eyed and was telling me how thankful he was that I brought him. He said it reminded him of his father and how “dad used to make me do that same thing back then” (train/break in horses). It really brought him back and I could tell Todd’s message touched him. My father isn’t usually the type to get emotional and open up, but being able to witness the message that Todd was portraying allowed him to do that with me. He was able to relate on a level that I don’t think he would’ve been exposed to had he not watched Todd’s message and I am forever grateful for that.

Raw & Unique

I just couldn’t help but show my appreciation to you and the rest of the team who organized bringing Todd Pierce to Abilene. I’m going to be honest, I wasn’t too interested in going to the event because it didn’t exactly sound like my “style” (the horse part, not the Jesus part). However, after listening to Todd tell his story, I knew those were God’s words speaking through him telling me to go. There’s something about the raw and unique way that Todd shares His word that grabbed 100% of my interest and had me wanting more.


It was incredible. A truly unique presentation of the gospel and how we relate to Jesus in our individual life. For those of us whose relationship with Jesus can sometimes slip into the routine, it was a refreshing and renewing evening. Your willingness to do this for our community was a true blessing.


I absolutely loved the “Born Wild” presentation last night. It was such a beautiful experience to witness! His story, humble spirit, love for people and God is incredible.

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