Listen did you you hear that?

No one lights a lamp and then hides it, covering it over or putting it where its light won't be seen. No, the lamp is placed on a lampstand so others are able to benefit from its brightness. Because this revelation lamp now shines within you, nothing will be hidden from you—it will all be revealed. Every secret of the kingdom? will be unveiled and out in the open, made known by the revelation-light. So pay careful attention to your hearts as you hear my teaching, for to those who have open hearts, even more revelation will be given to them until it overflows. And for those who do not listen with open hearts, what little light they imagine to have will be taken away. Luke 8:16—18 (TPT)
There are so many voices speaking to us right now. So, be very careful how you hear.
I'm so thankful for the technology we have these days, and I want to utilize it to its fullest potential. Social media is great in this respect: that right now you and I are using it to communicate. However, it exposes us to a lot of information that requires us to be extra careful about how we listen.
Jesus continually reminded people to be careful about what they listen to and how they listen. More than ever, I am reminding myself and want to encourage each of you to be very careful about who you allow to influence you. Jesus said His words were like seed that could be planted in many different types of soil. The condition of the soil determines how much fruit the seeds will produce.
Be certain that you are getting spoken to from the Word of God and take care of the condition of your own heart. This is something that we have complete authority over. We get to determine who we listen to, and we also get to make sure the seed is going into good ground.
Jesus empowered people by helping them see that they alone are the ones that can determine what words have influence in their life. We all have this privilege of guarding our own hearts. We have a Father that wants to communicate with us continually, and it is up to you if you want to keep a humble, teachable, contrite heart. Don't let your theology get in the way of the gift of hearing the voice of God.