In 1995, Leslie and I were very young Christians that set out on the rodeo trail to pursue a world championship in bareback riding. Seven years later we had experienced a lot of success in competition but what surprised us the most was how much we had fallen in love with people and realized we could help. We never thought of it as a ministry. We both just sincerely cared about the people of our sport and the ever increasing fans it attracted. We had realized that rodeo was more of a platform for us to do what we really loved and that was pouring faith, hope and love into people.
Through the living illustration of our Born Wild Event at men's events, church gatherings, retreat centers, prison yards, Native American reservations-Todd Pierce and Riding High Ministries are bringing families and communities together to share the Gospel of Jesus. The primary tool Riding High Ministries has been given to communicate the many dynamics of the Kingdom is Todd Pierce's ability to work with horses. By demonstrating how Todd can connect with a horse, he is able to illustrate how Jesus pursues, heals and ultimately becomes one with us as a Father.
We are living in the most Fatherless generation in all recorded history. The last words of the Old Testament describe our time. It is a time when there will be fathers, but their hearts will not be for their kids and kids’ hearts will not be for their parents. It says God’s spokesmen will turn the hearts of fathers to their sons, and sons to their fathers. This is a promise that is being fulfilled right now. We are partnering with Holy Spirit in this global movement among men. When men learn to lead with love, women will be honored and children will be empowered.
Jesus was a man who walked in perfect love and He taught us to do the same. He compels us to love those who are poor and imprisoned. He has given us great compassion for inmates and now has given us great favor and access to tens of thousands of these men. By bringing a horse right into the prison yards, the majority of men, who otherwise would never go to a spiritual event, flood to our presentations. Prison officials everywhere say that the message and the way it is delivered is the most effective program that has ever entered their facilities.
Jesus commissioned us to go into all the world and preach the good news of the Kingdom. We take it personally! We want to maximize our unique and powerful “Born Wild” presentations so people everywhere will know this amazing truth. The public feels welcome as these communities put down all denominational differences and work together with us to make space for “All” to come and have the opportunity to be transformed by the power of God.
We would love to connect with you to schedule an event or have Todd come and do a Born Wild Event!