Going for the heart!

My son, Holden got his first elk with a perfect shot through the heart. This animal was 500 pounds of extremely athletic flesh and bones, but one shot through this small organ is all it took.
I’m certain everybody reading this can look back on the year 2020 and recognize that it will forever be remembered as the year that much of the world changed. With this ever changing environment, we are all faced with new opportunities and an ever increasing acknowledgment of our need to carry within ourselves a vision for the future. But no matter what hits us, Jesus told us to guard our hearts with all diligence because out of it flows the issues of life. In other terms if you can keep your heart right, then everything else will follow.
So as we go into 2021, I encourage each of you to examine your own heart. Make sure you deal with any bitterness, anger, fear, greed, anxiety, etc. Reclaim for yourself the peace and hope that comes from knowing who you are and the fact that you will live forever. For what can man do to you? If God is for you, who could ever stand against you. Although the troubles of this age are real, there is being stored up for us and eternal treasure and glory that will never die.
Hold your heart!
Todd and Leslie