World Missions
Colton and I have been invited to be (from an advisory level) a part of the formation of a new ministry. We will travel to Colorado this weekend to join up with others from around the world to discuss how we can best serve the displaced people in Northern Iraq.
The ministry will be headed up by Dave and Karen Eubank who have trained and mobilized thousands of displaced people in the country of Burma. They and their three children have committed their lives to walking the jungles And bringing hope, training and the gospel to the oppressed people in one of the most hostile environments on the planet. Their experience has uniquely prepared them to offer the same to the people suffering in Iraq. I have been given the honor to be a part of the board and seek the Lord on the best strategy to use our resources to equip the people that live there. Please pray with us as we seek to see the Kingdom come and His will to be done on earth as its being done in heaven!