The Great Exchange, “Beauty For Ashes”
The last month I have crisscrossed the country and seen dozens of radical kids give their lives to Jesus, burned up a Motorhome, saw a family fight for their son’s life, drove several thousand miles, flew thousands more, and sat back in amazement as my Kingdom family sacrificed to get my kids home safe.
How can I describe this past month? After watching what all has transpired, I think it could be a movie about why Jesus put so much emphasis on building community.
Here is the content:
Brett Westergard, Hayden Roberts, Nate Westergard, Tanner Pierce, Holden Pierce and I drove the RV 28 hours straight to attend and serve at the FCA MX camp in Michigan, July 5-9th. That Monday- Thursday I was a camp counselor and Thursday night I did a Born Wild Presentation for the whole camp. We were only able to do the presentation because Ken Boerma Jr saw a FB post that we needed a horse. He connected us with a friend, Amy Sellas, who brought us this 4-year-old stud that was perfect for the setting of extreme athletes who aggressively want to do life.

Then, I flew to Colorado to attend the Free Burma Rangers annual board meeting. While I was there hearing about how this group of amazing people: Dave, Karen, Sue, Peter and Sahale Eubank, are on the front lines of conflict areas around the world serving families who have been oppressed by war, I get a text that something had happened with my boys and the RV. I immediately asked our group for prayer and then ran up on the hill to get cell service so I could get details. I learned that while Brett and Hayden were driving home through Iowa, Holden smelled smoke. They got pulled over, but were unable to get the fire in the engine compartment out! So, they got the boys to safety, pulled the motorcycles out of the trailer and watched her burn.
When the smoke settled, we now had 3 young men and two adults on the side of the highway, stranded 23 hours from home, with no identification and only one credit card. The boys didn’t even have shirts or shoes. Now the kingdom family kicks in! The first thing the group I was with did was pray and take up an offering to help financially. This group that is already giving all they have to people in real need still had a desire to give to us.
Now we needed to get five people and a trailer clear across the country without any way of renting a truck. Hayden’s friend hauled them to Omaha, Nebraska. Scott Ross hooked me up with Scott Kerr, who drove the crew to Cheyenne, Wy. From there, Larry Sharon Smithey picked them up and drove them across Wyoming where they met my neighbor, Jeff Hansen who drove them the rest of the way home.
Meantime, I also got word that a friend had been in a terrible accident so, Leslie and I prayed and felt like I needed to go be with their family. I took a red-eye flight from Denver to Columbia, SC and was able to spend a couple of special days with Angie and Russ Black in the ICU. I love seeing people of great faith go through impossible situations. They have been watching their son Will have miracle after miracle as his brain, lung, and spinal injuries are being healed.
What a ride! Thank all of you for your support.