We are not building a ministry, but rather fighting to reach our kids and our kids’ kids…I will die for this!
Earlier this week, I was reflecting in the waiting room at the hospital in Red Bluff, CA – while the orthopedic team was operating on my son’s broken arm – when it dawned on me that although I was just a kid from Idaho, it was in this very town 20 years ago that I first realized who God was calling us to devote our life.
I didn’t have a clue back then what all was going on, but I remember being at the Red Bluff Round-Up and having the chance to spend a few moments talking with a young man from a local, youth detention center. I don’t remember exactly the words I said to him that day, but when we parted ways he asked if he could give me a hug. As he gave me hug and held on for a moment, I realized he was crying. He said, “no one has ever been this nice to me!” That was the first time I realized that there are really kids in this world that have never known the love of a father. How could this be?
That same week, I picked up an elderly gentleman who was hitch hiking. I asked where he was headed and he said, “no place in particular!” So he ended up spending several days with us going from rodeo to rodeo. Then the strangest thing happened when we parted ways. He gave me a hug, and through tears thanked me and said, “no one has ever been this nice to me!” As I sat in my truck and broke, I realized this man would be that young boy 50 years later – unless someone did something about it. Although I went on to rodeo for several more years, Leslie and I began to consider how the Lord would reach youth and men through our family to know the love of The Father.
Since then, most of you have had front row seats to watch us do our level best, and give all we have to build up men, youth and families in communities through our investment in the PBR, prisons, youth detention centers, and churches across the country and world. I have encountered tens of thousands of men at various levels from all over, and I see that there is an epidemic of Fatherlessness. I didn’t know it at the time, but in hindsight, we now realize have been in an intense training ground to minister to men – young and old.
The last few months I have been meeting and building a strategy with men who are the best in their field at helping others know how to relate to God as Father, hear from the Holy Spirit, and live this life as Jesus modeled for us. Working together we are going to reach and equip men through our Born Wild Created to be Free ministry experiences to know and grow in The Father’s love and lead with hearts that are whole.
I have several more important meetings in the coming weeks that will determine how to best move forward with the momentum that is building, while staying true to who we are as we fight for the hearts of men and the next generation. Please pray for wisdom, as we only want to do the things and go where we know Holy Spirit is leading. It’s both exciting and scary for me.
So here is my request, though we may be small in numbers, we are mighty in impact – and you are receiving this note because I want to hear from you. I want to work together, and draw upon the wealth of wisdom and resources we all steward.
To learn more about how we can reach the hearts of men and youth in your community, and possibly schedule a Born Wild Created to be Free experience please email us at or call (208)521.4040.
My family and our Riding High Ministry Team are all in. Let me know where you stand!
P.S. “Thank-You!” for continuing to send us through your prayers and gifts! We are so grateful that you have chosen to come along side and bring the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and the good news of His Kingdom into communities all over our nation and world through Riding High. Please be sure to stay connected through our Riding High Ministry Facebook page , website and our NEW, “Born Wild Created to be Free” YouTube Channel.