Miracle in Chicago

For those of you who don’t follow us on social media, I wanted to give you some great news from Chicago.
Over the last 15 years with the PBR there has only been a few wrecks that were so bad that I knew immediately that I better get my backpack and get to the ambulance. Bonner Bolton had just had ridden his bull but when he tried to get off, he flipped over backward and landed straight on top of his head. As he laid lifeless in the arena, the bull once again stomped on his shoulder. The medical team strapped him to a backboard and immediately rushed him to the awaiting ambulance. Because I know how to get his equipment off, the paramedics let me ride with him and provided me with the opportunity to have my hands on him and pray with him all the way to the hospital. In the 8 minute ride to the trauma hospital, Bonner went from being completely paralyzed to full restoration of movement and 90% of his feeling. As I sit here writing this, I just got a call from Bonner. Crazy timing! He said, “The Bonner that got in that ambulance died and the guy that got out of that ambulance was a new man.” As we sat in the emergency room, Bonner continually was saying how happy and thankful he was. That’s not normal when someone is faced with a career-ending injury, its supernatural! Many people can explain away the physical miracle but there is no other way a man can be filled with gratitude in that situation without the Spirit of Jesus filling him.
The diagnosis was a broken C2 and he had a successful surgery to fix it. Expected to fully recover. I am so thankful for the miracle of medicine and don’t see the fact that doctors can do what they do as a second-hand miracle. All wisdom comes from God and every good gift comes from Him. To Jesus be the Glory! You can read the article that gives God all the glory on the PBR website at https://www.pbr.com/en/news/features/other-features/2016/1/bonner-bolton-injury-update.aspx