Live By Faith
Family. I believe our Father put us in this ministry together. He trusts that we as a family will make wise decisions on how to best bring life and hope to a planet of broken people who are hopeless and filled with fear.
Now, there is simply one more thing (virus) on the planet that wants to steal, kill and destroy. Nothing has really changed for us as believers. Although we live lives that can be filled with uncertainty, this is where our faith makes us different. This life is the only opportunity in all eternity that we will ever get to use faith. Even the angels never get a chance to trust. It is only in these frail bodies that we get to worship in the face of fear and uncertainty. After this life, faith will no longer be necessary.
Today – worship and continue to bring Heaven to earth in the faith we have in the One who is perfect love!
We love each of you with all our heart and know that we are covering you, your family and community in prayer!
Todd and Leslie