Fast and Furious
A good friend of mine describes the Love of God as fierce, strong and furious. The Father’s Love is sweet, it is wild and its waking hearts to life!
We are a week into the 2018 Prison Tour and we have completed 6 events, drove the RV 2000 miles, and had a couple flights. We have met so many amazing people, and have seen hundreds of inmates surrender their hearts and lives to Jesus. I’m not sure what all this activity looks like in the context of eternity, but I can feel our Father’s pleasure all over it.
He said in His Word that whatever we have done for those who are in prison, we have done to Him. What an Honor to carry reckless Faith, Hope and Love into a dark place and literally watch it light up!
Thank you so much for caring enough about these men to make the sacrifices to send us! We have two events left, both juvenile facilities. These are the hardest places for me, as my father’s heart feels so much grief for what these kids have been through. Please pray.
With all I am, Todd