Authority In His Name
“Jesus was The Visible Image Of The invisible God And We Have The Right And The Authority To Be The Same”
I’m sure that each of you reading this have a variety of different responses to this statement, and I hope you challenge and wrestle with it until you are convinced in your own heart on what to do with it. If what I wrote is true, then you can never again see yourself or the people around you the same. Your life and the value of it will have to be so clear that you won’t be able to help but go through your days exploring and impacting the natural world with a spiritual worldview. Although Jesus was the one and only begotten Son of God, you and I are adopted to be in the same family and share the same joy.
The past few weeks have been filled with hundreds of opportunities to live in this reality as our family has traveled to North Carolina, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. Not only have we been able to exhibit the love of God, but we have been recipients of this same thing. When God’s people are unified in their efforts to change the world with the love of Jesus, there is no stopping it. If you are a part of giving into this ministry, then I can assume you are beginning to realize the power you carry in your own personal life. Giving is a great thing to do, and Riding High depends on it, but never miss the reality that your life is your ministry. The whole world is waiting for the Children of God to be revealed!